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Moving (to) mountains

MELANIE BARRY • May 30, 2021

It's been a while...

Hi Everybody!!!!!
OMGoodness, I’ve missed you all so much! Heaps has happened since the 2019 bushfires cleaned us out and gave us a well-earned break. 
We moved to our mountain in October 2020: lovingly known as Mount Karate Nunchucka, also known as the impossible block (why the fuck would anyone buy that piece of shit land?) Bought in 2018, we couldn’t even get onto it without cutting our way up hill and down steep valleys through lantana and other spikey horrors. Even the real estate guy warned us not to do it. 
We absolutely busted our nuts getting the 30% deposit together but with the small price of 95K for 100 acres, it ties in nicely with our want to a) live debt free and b) if the shit goes down (as it does) our mortgage will be affordable on the dole. 
The crazy thing is, the only access to our land is via a 20m x 450m Crown Land easement. We were not allowed to put a road in or dig or bridge the waterways… just mow and maintain the 2 acres. It was basically classed as a 4wd dry weather access. Had lots of meetings with Crown Land who tried to flog it off to Mid Coast Council and got nowhere. After 8 months, the suggestion to buy the 2 acres came up; people told us it would take 7-11 years to buy Crown land, but it was our only hope (Obiwan Kenobi). Ha! In your faces everybody. All it took was 4 months and the 2 acres with Nowendoc Rd frontage and a waterway cost us less the $3000 ($1500 of that was paperwork). Cheapest block ever!!

Dan built a tiny house on wheels and because our building supplies were lost in the fires, we spent 3 months pulling down some bloke’s 180 year old farmhouse for the free timber. The plan was to build a commercial kitchen so I could get back to cooking but…

We carved out a road, moved our tiny house on wheels up the mountain, which was the scariest and most amazing thing, and offered it to a couple of back packers who’d lost their jobs due to Covid. Bonkers!! Positively bonkers. The poor buggers lived rough; knees deep in mud in the middle of winter with no outside undercover area, no running water, limited solar power and a bucket composting toilet. These kids were frikken champions! We struggled with the mud and killed a few power tools with the super heavy, 180y/o hardwood but managed to build a tool shed and every other day we shoveled gravel onto the driveway, put in water tanks, built rock walls and planted out the vege garden. We also built a chook pen and started building a bath house with wheely bin composting toilet and laundry, plus an amazing outdoor kitchen off the side of the tiny house. They’re off on new adventures now and gee whizz we miss them. 

3 days into us moving in, the council popped by to check out the “illegal” building taking place. FFS! The bath house is now classified as a shed. 

We were pretty comfortable up on our mountain when the mid north coast floods happened. Just 2 weeks off work and a splash of cabin fever. Looks like we're getting quite good at dealing with natural disasters. New one is the mice! Not as bad as out west but the little bastards are still frikken annoying. Even the cat is overwhelmed.

And now, 7 months in, and the DA for our new home has finally been approved. Woohoo!! 

It's going to be a while before my kitchen gets built but I’m renting the kitchen space at the Mount George Hall in order to get some luscious sauces coming your way. I’ve also been working with Josh (from the Business Centre) who’s built me this awesome new website. Feeling excited to be back on the horse. 

12th June…. See ya’ll at Smoke in Broke Festival. It’s gonna be a hoot!

Oh yeah… Davey came to live with us too. He’s a champ. 

By MELANIE BARRY January 15, 2023
It’s now 15 days into 2023 and I’ve been thinking, since NYE, what happened in 2022 that I have to be grateful for. Besides the usual; my awesome wit, good looks and an appreciative man, I’m grateful for Rohan. So here’s the thing… Going back to 2007 when I married said appreciative man, our honeymoon was a fantastic East Coast adventure. Up to Bundaberg we tootled. And back down to Sydney in a broken VW Caravelle. Along the way home we stopped in at Wet n Wild and in our youth and craziness, we hit the big drop slide. It hurt! My back hurt the whole way home. It hurt for days. And then weeks. I finally went to my GP in Redfern who sent me to a specialist in Camperdown. Many visits (at $240 a pop), scans, x-rays, MRIs and he couldn’t work out what was wrong. He dismissed the waterslide story and decided to diagnose me with psoriatic arthritis. He put me on painkillers and not sure what else, but I ended up in hospital with a fried liver. It’s not very pleasant when your new husband comes home from work to find you shivering and barely conscious and tells you that you stench like rotten meat. I was yellow and still… my back hurt. Afraid of taking more drugs, I went to a naturopath. Taking the specialist’s diagnosis into account and $1000 later, she had me on a special diet and consuming 22 tablets a day. This was hugely depressing and unsustainable. 15 years!!! 15 years of being incapacitated meant I stacked on the weight and was depression kicked in due to back pain. Some nights the pain in my back was so bad it came through my chest, and I thought I was having a heart attack. The weight gain has left me with high blood pressure. The blood pressure medication has a side affect of weight gain… fucking stupid! My poor husband. I was always apologising to him (as he rubbed menthol creams on my back and stained the mattress) because he’d married a dud. I managed to maintain the pain with Mobic, Panadol and bed rest. I wasn’t able to carry out full time work where I was expected to arrive on time every day and pull off a normal working day. I spent many years on disability and ended up creating my own work where I could function on my own timeline. Granny Mel’s was great! Melting Pot Catering is better. So what was so mind blowing in 2022? My GP at Access Health in Wingham, who I love to bits, sent me to the Physio dept at the Mayo Hospital where I met Rohan. After a 5min conversation with Rohan, he stood me up, folded my arms in front of my body and went POP! 15 fucking years!!! And the pain was gone. I had a slipped disc. 15 fucking years!!! 2023…… time to lose the belly fat. I’m in my 50s now, perimenopause has kicked in. HRT has another weight gain side effect. This is going to be a slow journey.
By MELANIE BARRY September 14, 2022
Hoooweee! What a year it’s been. Trying to reignite Granny Mel’s during a pandemic was probably a little bit bonkers…. It was great to begin with, people had a few bucks to throw around (double dole an’ all) and were glad to be out and about – until they weren’t. And the rain! So much bloody rain! Then, things got tough for everyone with interest rate rises and the general cost of living going up and up and up. The food festivals we attended brought in less than half what we’d made in the past but the site fees were more. Then I got covid. BOOO! And, I thought by putting my sauces into shops would be a good idea too. Nope – still chasing people for money, which really sucks. It was so great to touch base with our old (and new) customers and we’re forever grateful for the love and support but…. We’ve gotta say see ya later to Granny Mel’s. The good news though, is people need people and people need feeding.  Say g’day to Melting Pot Catering!! We’ve got the best team of passionate foodies who go above and beyond for you and yours. I love them all so much!!
Cooking on a BBQ with Granny Mels
By MELANIE BARRY August 5, 2019
Reducing food waste around Granny Mels home
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